Auslandskrankenversicherung / Auslandsversicherung für Ausländer in Deutschland und Deutsche im Ausland

Overseas health insurance-
Find your plan

This product finder has been developed for you, so you can quickly and easily find an insurance for abroad, adjusted to your specific needs.

Fill in the required informations and you get an overview of all international insurance products, which suit you. You can compare single products at will.

LupeOverseas health insurance
Online consulting services

Find your plan

Please select here the geographic area in which you <strong>primarily</strong> intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an <strong>additional</strong> (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.Please select here the area of your permanent residency before the start of your trip.
Please select here the geographic area in which you <strong>primarily</strong> intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an <strong>additional</strong> (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.Please select here the geographic area in which you primarily intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an additional (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.

Symbole der Auslandskrankenversicherung

Just in case:
Reliable insurance

Symbole der Auslandskrankenversicherung

Just in case:
Reliable insurance


Data privacy Terminate contracts here