Your reliable
     health insurance partner abroad
Auslandskrankenversicherung / Auslandsversicherung für Ausländer in Deutschland & Deutsche im Ausland

International health insurance

LupeOverseas health insurance
Online consulting services

Find your plan

Please select here the geographic area in which you <strong>primarily</strong> intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an <strong>additional</strong> (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.Please select here the area of your permanent residency before the start of your trip.
Please select here the geographic area in which you <strong>primarily</strong> intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an <strong>additional</strong> (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.Please select here the geographic area in which you primarily intend to stay. The plan recommended by us may include an additional (temporary or permanent) area as the are selected.

Symbole der Auslandskrankenversicherung

Por si acaso:
Seguro de enfermedad
fiable para viajes al extranjero

Symbole der Auslandskrankenversicherung

Por si acaso:
Seguro de enfermedad
fiable para viajes al extranjero


Welcome to Care Concept®!

We offer affordable overseas health and travel insurance for Germans abroad and foreign visitors to Europe.

Our international health insurance services protect German nationals abroad and foreign guests in Germany and the EU. Whether you're planning a private vacation, a business trip or an educational trip, for example as an au pair, language student, regular student or businessperson on assignment, you'll find the right insurance coverage that fits your specific needs.

View our Products for an overview of all overseas health insurance plans and rates.

Care Concept AG
Your partner for health insurance abroad

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