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Care Expatriate - Health insurance abroad for expatriates

Care Expatriate - Health insurance abroad for expatriates

Care Expatriate

In brief

Insurable persons


Scope of insurance coverage


  • 长期居住在德国,奥地利或其他欧盟国家包括瑞士和列支敦士登或申根国家人员临时到世界其他国家停留
  • 长期居住在世界其他国家的外籍人员临时到德国,奥地利或者其他欧盟国家包括瑞士和列支敦士登或申根国家停留
  • 长期居住在德国,奥地利或其他欧盟国家包括瑞士和列支敦士登或申根国家临时到上述国家停留


Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 4 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 6 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 3 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 6

Advigon Versicherung AG

Drescheweg 1
9490 Vaduz

Duration of coverage

保险最短期限为3个月.在联邦德国境内包括所有延长在内保险最长期限为5年.此保险在德国境外可多次申请.每次最长5年.到被保险人的年龄达到75周岁为止。如果为在德国以外其它国家逗留,首次签订的合同期限为5年,保险公司可无条件的接受下一次的为期5年的延长保险合同(Care Expatriate Comfort / Care Expatriate Premium).

Care Expatriate Basic/-Comfort/-Premium - All benefits at a glance*
Health insurance
Benefits Care Expatriate Basic Comfort Premium
online application online application online application
online application
medically necessary outpatient treatment up to 100 % Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
prescription medications Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
additional costs for medically advisable repatriation Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
dental treatments including annual check-ups Basic: Jaup to EUR 600.00 Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
accident-related dental prosthesis Basic: Ja80%最高给金额至1000欧 Comfort: Ja80%最高给金额至2000欧 Premium: Ja100%最高给金额至3000欧
remedies Basic: Jaup to EUR 250.00 Comfort: Jaup to EUR 500.00 Premium: Jaup to EUR 1,500.00
psychotherapy Basic: Jaup to EUR 500.00(每次治疗最高支付金额至100欧) Comfort: Jaup to EUR 1,000.00(每次治疗最高支付金额至100欧) Premium: Jaup to EUR 1,500.00(每次治疗最高支付金额至150欧)
home leave (Duration >= 1 Year) Basic: Ja最高至30天 Comfort: Ja最高至45天 Premium: Ja最高至90天
保险到期后,保险人继续承担义务至 Basic: Ja1 Month Comfort: Ja3 Months Premium: Jaunlimited
medically prescribed aids Basic: Ja由意外事故后辅助用具费,最高给付金额500欧. Comfort: Jaup to EUR 500.00听说辅助用品费用至500欧以及轮椅费用至1000欧 Premium: Ja100% up to EUR 2,500.00
住院治疗费(普通) Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja联邦德国以外的国家,可以选择单人或双人病房
门诊康复措施 Basic: Ja最长 21 天 Comfort: Ja最长 21 天 Premium: Ja最长 21 天
repatriation/burial costs in event of death of the insured person Basic: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00 Comfort: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00 Premium: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00
dental prostheses including the cost of repairs Basic: - Comfort: Ja60% Premium: Ja80%
screenings/preventive examinations aimed at early detection of disease Basic: - Comfort: Jaup to EUR 250.00 Premium: Jaup to EUR 500.00
视力辅助用具费 Basic: - Comfort: Jaup to EUR 100.00 Premium: Jaup to EUR 300.00
hospital per diem rate of all in EUR 100.00 for each full inpatient exceeding 14 days Basic: Ja Comfort: - Premium: -
daily hospital allowance Basic: - Comfort: Ja最高给付金额至20欧(最多至20天) Premium: Ja最高给付金额至30欧(最多至30天)
right to continued insurance Basic: - Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
guarantee of acceptance for follow-up policy Basic: - Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
upon request: costs for transport for a visiting family member in case of in-patient treatment at a hospital for more than 14 days Basic: - Comfort: Ja 500,– EUR Premium: Ja 1000,– EUR

*Overview of benefits (excerpt). For a complete list of benefits please see the insurance terms and conditions.. 所列举的限制都是指本保险年的.

Premium overview | Care Expatriate | worldwide excluding US, CA, MX
Insurance plan Basic Comfort Premium
Deductible per year (in EUR) 150 150 500 0 500 1000

Premium overview | Care Expatriate | worldwide including US, CA, MX
Insurance plan Basic Comfort Premium
Deductible per year (in EUR) 150 150 500 0 500 1000
Take out your insurance coverage

请在线申请 online application.


Download Auslandskrankenversicherung Care Expatriate  学生保险简介Care Expatriate PDF下载

Legal note: The information contained in this publication does not constitute the basis of any contract, but rather serves solely as to provide a product overview/description. Only the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and the policy terms and conditions, upon which your contract is based, are legally binding.

Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 5 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 1 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 2 Health insurance abroad for expatriates Bild 7

Please note that the English translation is offered as a service for convenience only. The legally binding version is the German version.

Care Expatriate

Type of insurance: Health insurance for expatriates and residents

© Care Concept AG 2024
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Care Concept AG
Your partner for health insurance abroad


Care Expatriate x

Type of insurance: Foreign health insurance for expatriates

Insurable persons: Emigrants, expatriates, residents, long-term trips

Entry age: 0-74 years

Duration: 3 - 60 months

Care Expatriate


  • Complies with all the requirements for a Schengen visa
  • Outpatient, inpatient and dental treatment
  • Preventive examinations, medication and medical aids (Comfort, Premium)
  • Insurance coverage in home country up to 30 days (Basic), 45 days (Comfort), 90 days (Premium)
*For a complete list of benefits see the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTI).