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Care College - Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students

Care College - Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students

Care College Health insurance


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Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Designelement zur Sprachschueler Versicherung
Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 4 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 6 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 3 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 10


来联邦德国或奥地利国以及申根各国进修、学习或参加各类培训的外国籍人员,在逗留期间可以购买大学生医疗“Care College Basic/Comfort/Premium”。 即使在英国退出欧盟以后,您作为外国学生在英国学习期间可以继续购买这种保险并享受保障。


出德国或奥地利国者:德国人*和奥地利国人在世界各国进修、学习或参加各类培训 (北美洲自由贸易区国家:美国,加拿大,墨西哥除外)逗留期间可买大学生医疗保险“普通险/加强险”。

购买上述两保险时,被保险人最大年龄为 40岁。

* 德国人或奥地利国人 1指的是拥有德国国籍或奥地利国国籍人员,2或虽拥有其他国家国籍,但已生活在联邦德国或奥地利国两年以上者.

  • 普通险 / 加强险,投保期限至少1个月。
  • 包括所有的延长在内最长保险期为5 年。
  • 保险合同终止于协定的时间。
  • 不自动延长。
  • 延长申请必须在原保险期终止前提出。
  • 如果您的实际逗留时间超过原计划时间,必须在Care Concept AG的Care College原合同到期前通知我们。最简单的方法是通过My Care Concept客户门户端来进行操作。
  • 提前解约必须书面申请(通过电子邮件、传真或传统投信方式)。解约需要提供下列数据:保险号、被保人姓名、原定的保险终止时间、希望解约日期、解约理由,同时附上相应的证明。
  • 多付的保险费可以退还.,退款手续费5欧元。
  • 在下列情况下,可以提前解约:
    1. 提前结束在国外的逗留.
    2. 所参加的语言班或项目已结束,入保前提不再存在.
    3. 开始大学专业学习,参加法定医疗保险.
    4. 被拒签或因其他原因取消旅程,可以在保险开始前书面通知撤回买保险申请.

在线申请通过后,我们很快会将你的保险文件存入我们的My Care Concept客户门户里。在那里你可以找到以下PDF格式的文件,你可以下载、打印并使用它:

  • 保险单\保险确认书
  • 保险条例.



您可以将全部保险费授权保险公司从您的账户上每月自动提款,也可以自己定期汇到下面注明的银行账户上.要注意的是, 在汇款时,在汇款用途一栏务必注明您的保险单号码。


银行: Hypovereinsbank AG, IBAN: DE23 2003 0000 0000 1111 61 Swift - Code (BIC): HYVEDEMM300


Care College Comfort 和 Care College Premium这两档次的学生保险,因病不得不休学时,我们支付一定的一次性的因病休学补贴费





Care College Basic/-Comfort/-Premium -
All benefits at a glance*
Health insurance
Benefits* Care College Basic Care College Comfort Care College Premium
Basic: online application Comfort: online application Premium: online application
outpatient treatment by a doctor Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
prescription medications and ambulance services Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
inpatient treatment in the hospital Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
analgesic dental treatment Basic: Ja up to EUR 500.00/ policy year Comfort: Ja up to EUR 750.00/ policy year Premium: Jaup to EUR 1,250.00/ policy year
cost for dental prosthesis (within 2 years of insurance term, qualifying period:8 months) Basic: - Comfort: Ja50 % up to EUR 500.00 Premium: Ja70 % up to EUR 1,000.00
accident-related dental prosthesis Basic: - Comfort: Ja up to EUR 1,000.00 Premium: Ja up to EUR 2,500.00
prescription accident-related medical aids (basic version) Basic: Jaup to EUR 250.00/ policy year Comfort: Ja up to EUR 500.00/ policy year Premium: Ja 100 %
remedies Basic: Jaup to EUR 250.00/ policy year Comfort: Jaup to EUR 500.00/ policy year Premium: Jaup to EUR 1,500.00/ policy year
visual aids (up to EUR 100.00, 3 months qualifying period) Basic: - Comfort: - Premium: Ja
additional costs for medically advisable repatriation Basic: Jaup to EUR 10,000.00 Comfort: Ja100 % Premium: Ja100%
deductible/policy year Basic: JaEUR 120.00 Comfort: no deductible Premium: no deductible
costs for treatment acc. GOÄ/GOZ in Germany Basic: Jaup to 1.8 times the basic rate in the fee schedule Comfort: Jaup to 2.3 times the basic rate in the fee schedule Premium: Jaup to 2.3 times the basic rate in the fee schedule
world-wide emergency services Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
extended liability period Basic: Ja4 weeks Comfort: Ja4 weeks Premium: Ja8 weeks
repatriation/burial costs in event of death of the insured person Basic: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00 Comfort: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00 Premium: Jaup to EUR 25,000.00
worldwide scope of coverage (excl. USA, Canada, Mexico) Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
insurance coverage in home country (depending on the insurance period) Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
treatment of mental illnesses (also inpatient) with the exception of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy Basic: Ja Comfort: Ja Premium: Ja
insurance card Basic: Jadigital Comfort: Jadigital Premium: Jadigital
refund if no claims in one policy year Basic: - Comfort: Ja2 months' premium Premium: Ja2 months' premium
sick pay in event of a severe illness/disease upon request: Basic: - Comfort: JaEUR 1,500.00/ policy year Premium: JaEUR 2,500.00/ policy year
costs for transport for a visiting family member in case of inpatient treatment at a hospital for more than 14 days Basic: - Comfort: Ja EUR 500.00 Premium: Ja EUR 1,250.00
daily hospital allowance (all in EUR 100.00 for hospital stays exceeding 14 days) Basic: - Comfort: - Premium: Ja

*For a complete list of benefits please see the insurance terms and conditions.

Legal note: The information contained in this publication does not constitute the basis of any contract, but rather serves solely as to provide a product overview/description. Only the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and the policy terms and conditions, upon which your contract is based, are legally binding.

Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 5 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 1 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 2 Affordable health insurance for language school participants & students Care College 7

Please note that the English translation is offered as a service for convenience only. The legally binding version is the German version.

Care College

Type of insurance: International Insurance for students and language pupils

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Care Concept AG
Your partner for health insurance abroad


Care College x

Type of insurance: Health insurance for language school participants & students

Insurable persons: Language school participants, foreign students, doctoral students

Entry age: 12-40 years

Duration: 1 - 60 months

Care College


  • Complies with all the requirements for a Schengen visa
  • Outpatient, inpatient and dental treatment
  • Additional costs for medically advisable repatriation
  • Comfort: Refund of 2 months’ premium if no claims submitted within one policy year
*For a complete list of benefits see the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTI).