
Care Global - Auslandskrankenversicherung für weltweite Reisen

Care Global - 全球旅行国际医疗保险

Care Global



Care Global: The insurance is available for persons with permanent place of abode in Germany or in Austria, who are staying temporarily abroad (max. 12 month), especially for business and private travellers, excepted competitive athletes and persons, who are permanent in need of care.

Care Global Amerika: The insurance is available for persons with permanent place of abode in Germany or in Austria, who are staying temporarily abroad (max. 12 month) inclusive the USA, Canada, Mexico, excepted competitive athletes and persons, who are permanent in need of care.

境外医疗保险 Bild 4 境外医疗保险 Bild 6 境外医疗保险 Bild 3 境外医疗保险 Bild 8

The insurance Care Global / Care Global Amerika applies only during the stay abroad, as applicable - alternatively incl. USA, Canada, Mexico or not. Not covered by the policy is the country which were the permanent place of residence of the person prior to commencing his/her travels.


Advigon Versicherung AG
Drescheweg 1
9490 Vaduz


Minimum term of insurance: 1 day. Maximum insurance period 365 days. If applied before departure coverage can be extended once for another 185 days. If applied after departure the maximum insurance period is 185 days without any possibility of extension.

Care Global / Care Global Amerika Basic und Comfort - 保险范围一览表*
保障范围 Care Global / Care Global Amerika Basic Comfort
out-patient treatment by a doctor 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
medically prescribed medications 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
sports injury (except for professional sportsmen) 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
in-patient treatment at a hospital(general nursing class - multiple bed ward - without optional benefits) 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
pain-deadening dental treatment 型 Basic: Jaup to EUR 500.00
per contract
型 Comfort: Ja
repair of existing dental prosthesis 80 % up to EUR 2,000.00, accident-related 100 % up to EUR 2,500.00 型 Basic: Jatemporary dental prosthesis only accident-related 型 Comfort: Ja
co-insurance of pre-existing conditions with exception for treatments in which it was clear at departure that they had to take place if the journey was accomplished as scheduled 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
pregnancy examinations and treatment (conception after inception date) 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
child delivery after a waiting period of 8 months(except in case of premature birth and complications) 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
costs of medically advisable repatriation with an accompanying person 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
prescribed medical aids 型 Basic: Jaaccident-related 型 Comfort: Ja
conclusion of contract is possible after departure 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
claims office and telephone number in the USA 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
compensation of expenses if medical bills were primary reached in at another insurer: EUR 50.00 per day for inpatient treatment (max. up to 14 days) and EUR 25.00 once per outpatient treatment 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
advance payment of insurer without deduction of third party claims 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
pandemic related medical treatment 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
waive of war risk clause until the departure is possible 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja
secondary liability 型 Basic: Ja1 months 型 Comfort: Jaindefinite
repatriation costs in event of death of the insured person 型 Basic: Ja最多55.000€ 型 Comfort: Ja最多80.000€
benefits for premature babies 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: JaEUR 50,000.00
visit costs of a family member in event of an in-patient treatment at a hospital 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: JaEUR 2,500.00
refund of hotel costs for insured co-travellers in case of interruption or extension of journey due to hospitalisation of the insured person 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: JaEUR 2,500.00
alternative medicine 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: Ja
one accompanying person for a hospitalized child 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: JaEUR 2,500.00
travel chaperone service for children 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: Ja
prescription medication shipping service 型 Basic: - 型 Comfort: Ja
deductible per insured event 型 Basic: EUR 50.00 型 Comfort: no deductible
在原籍国: 最多3日 / 30 日 保险期限 (行前须书面通知保险公司.) 型 Basic: Ja 型 Comfort: Ja

*Overview of benefits (extracts). For a complete list of benefits see the insurance conditions.

保险价格 | Care Global
保险种类 Basic Comfort
Abschluss vor Ausreise Nach Ausreise
vor Ausreise Nach Ausreise
0-30 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):0,80 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):1,00 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
入保年龄 :
31-45 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):0,90 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):1,15 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
46-60 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):1,25 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):1,60 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
61- (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):4,00 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):4,20 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
Die Mindestprämie beträgt 8,00 EUR.

保险价格 | Care Global Amerika
保险种类 Basic Comfort
Abschluss vor Ausreise Nach Ausreise
vor Ausreise Nach Ausreise
0-30 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):1,80 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):2,10 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
入保年龄 :
31-45 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):2,60 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):3,00 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
46-60 (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):3,70 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):4,20 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
61 - (EUR / 日)
Basic (vor Ausreise):8,00 Basic (Nach Ausreise
Comfort (vor Ausreise):8,40 Comfort (Nach Ausreise
Die Mindestprämie beträgt 8,00 EUR.

Take out the insurance online: 在线申请表.

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© Care Concept AG 2024

Care Concept AG


Care Global x

保险类型: 为全球旅行提供的国际健康保险

适合保险的人: 德国和奥地利的私人和商务旅行者在世界各地(包括美国、加拿大、墨西哥)。

入保年龄: 0+ 年

保险期限: 1 日 - 12 月

Care Global


  • 门诊治疗费、住院治疗费和牙医费
  • 医学上合理的回程交通与陪同人员
  • 可从国外锁定
  • 在美国、加拿大、墨西哥的保护,可每天预订
  • 适合J1-/J2-/F1-/F2-签证
  • 没有自费 (Comfort),否则为50,-欧元
*详细保险范围请参阅本册中保险条例 (AVB).