Care Expatriate - Health insurance abroad for expatriates

In brief

Insurable persons

Care Expatriate health insurance coverage is tailored to the needs of travelers who intend to stay for more than 3 continuous months abroad. A policy must commence prior to the insured person reaching the age of 75 and will end, at the latest, upon the person reaching the age of 80 (80th birthday).

Scope of insurance coverage

The insurance covers medical treatment throughout the world. The following persons are insurable:

  • persons in any country worldwide with permanent residency in Germany, Austria, EU countries, member states of the Schengen agreement, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
  • persons with permanent residency in other countries of the world who are staying in Germany, Austria, EU countries, member states of the Schengen agreement, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
  • persons with residency in Germany, Austria, EU countries, member states of the Schengen agreement, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, who are staying in the above-mentioned countries.

Countries of which the insured person is a citizen and/or which were the place of residency of the person prior to the commencement of his/her travels are excluded from coverage.


Advigon Versicherung AG

Drescheweg 1
9490 Vaduz

Duration of coverage

The minimum duration of coverage is 3 months. The maximum period of coverage for stays in Germany is 5 years, including all policy extensions.
Outside of Germany, persons can apply any number of times for an extension during their stay abroad until reaching the age of 75. Persons taking out an initial 5-year policy valid outside of Germany will receive a one-time acceptance guarantee for a follow-up policy for a maximum period of a further 5 years (Care Expatriate Comfort / Care Expatriate Premium).

Care Expatriate Basic/-Comfort/-Premium - All benefits at a glance*
Health insurance
Benefits Care Expatriate Basic Comfort Premium
online application online application online application
online application
medically necessary outpatient treatment up to 100 % Basic: Yes Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
prescription medications Basic: Yes Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
additional costs for medically advisable repatriation Basic: Yes Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
dental treatments including annual check-ups Basic: Yesup to EUR 600.00 Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
accident-related dental prosthesis Basic: Yes80 % up to EUR 1000.00 Comfort: Yes80 % up to EUR 2000.00 Premium: Yes100 % up to EUR 3000.00
remedies Basic: Yesup to EUR 250.00 Comfort: Yesup to EUR 500.00 Premium: Yesup to EUR 1,500.00
psychotherapy Basic: Yesup to EUR 500.00 (up to EUR 100.00 per session) Comfort: Yesup to EUR 1,000.00 (up to EUR 100.00 per session) Premium: Yesup to EUR 1,500.00 (up to EUR 150.00 per session)
home leave (Duration >= 1 Year) Basic: Yesup to 30 days / insurance year Comfort: Yesup to 45 days / insurance year Premium: Yesup to 90 days / insurance year
run-off cover (up to reinstatement of travel fitness) Basic: Yes1 Month Comfort: Yes3 Months Premium: Yesunlimited
medically prescribed aids Basic: Yesaccident related up to EUR 500.00 Comfort: Yesup to EUR 500.00/hearing and speech aids,
wheelchairs up to EUR 1000.00
Premium: Yes100% up to EUR 2,500.00
inpatient public health care in hospitals(general nursing class) Basic: Yes Comfort: Yes Premium: Yessingle room/shared
two-person room outside of Germany
Outpatient rehabilitation measures Basic: Yesup to 21 days Comfort: Yesup to 21 days Premium: Yesup to 21 days
repatriation/burial costs in event of death of the insured person Basic: Yesup to EUR 25,000.00 Comfort: Yesup to EUR 25,000.00 Premium: Yesup to EUR 25,000.00
dental prostheses including the cost of repairs Basic: - Comfort: Yes60% Premium: Yes80%
screenings/preventive examinations aimed at early detection of disease Basic: - Comfort: Yesup to EUR 250.00 Premium: Yesup to EUR 500.00
visual aids Basic: - Comfort: Yesup to EUR 100.00 Premium: Yesup to EUR 300.00
hospital per diem rate of all in EUR 100.00 for each full inpatient exceeding 14 days Basic: Yes Comfort: - Premium: -
daily hospital allowance Basic: - Comfort: YesEUR 20.00 (up to 20 days) Premium: YesEUR 30.00 (up to 30 days)
right to continued insurance Basic: - Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
guarantee of acceptance for follow-up policy Basic: - Comfort: Yes Premium: Yes
upon request: costs for transport for a visiting family member in case of in-patient treatment at a hospital for more than 14 days Basic: - Comfort: Yes 500,– EUR Premium: Yes 1000,– EUR

*Overview of benefits (excerpt). For a complete list of benefits please see the insurance terms and conditions.. All limits apply per policy year.

Premium overview | Care Expatriate | worldwide excluding US, CA, MX
Insurance plan Basic Comfort Premium
Deductible per year (in EUR) 150 150 500 0 500 1000

Premium overview | Care Expatriate | worldwide including US, CA, MX
Insurance plan Basic Comfort Premium
Deductible per year (in EUR) 150 150 500 0 500 1000
Take out your insurance coverage

Purchase your coverage online: online application.

Download In Brief

Download Auslandskrankenversicherung Care Expatriate  Download in Brief Care Expatriate (PDF)

Legal note: The information contained in this publication does not constitute the basis of any contract, but rather serves solely as to provide a product overview/description. Only the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and the policy terms and conditions, upon which your contract is based, are legally binding.

Please note that the English translation is offered as a service for convenience only. The legally binding version is the German version.

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