We are also there for you during visits to your home country in the USA, Canada or Mexico. In general, the doctor’s fees are agreed upon between you and your doctor in these countries, although the costs can vary considerable.
Therefore, as far as possible, we ask you to please contact the following persons before a visit to the doctor, and definitely before any treatment in a hospital.
MedCare International Inc. 12480 West Atlantic Blvd, Suite 2, Coral Springs, FL 33071, USA, Phone: +1 954.345.5650, Fax: +1 954.340.4245 E-Mail: care-concept@medcareinternational.com, Internet: www.MedCareInternational.com
MedCare will be happy to assist you in finding a doctor, organizing medical assistance, answering questions about the health care system, but also in providing other assistance. They will also issue declarations of assumption of costs following an assessment of a claim. This not only ensures a competent choice of doctor for you but also the avoidance of any financial burden. Outside MedCare's office hours, you can also contact our 24-hour hotline in cases of emergency if you are staying in the NAFTA countries.