Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für
     Krankenversicherung im Ausland

Care Economy -
preiswerte Auslandskrankenversicherung für ausländische Gäste / Incomingversicherung

Care Economy


AVB Krankenversicherung
AVB Haftpflicht-/Unfall
Verbraucherinfos / Wichtige Hinweise

Ausdrückliche Erklärungen und Verbraucherinformationen, Datenschutz

Verbraucherinformationen Care Economy herunterladen

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Excluded benefits
  • illnesses, complaints and consequences of accidents that already exist, or are known, on commencement of cover or renewal and the consequences of such illnesses and accidents that have been treated within the last six months before commencement of cover or renewal.
  • psychoanalytical and psychotherapeutic treatment
  • prophylactic and regular examinations; cancer diagnosis
  • examinations to attain permission of residence
  • innoculations
  • aids not due to an accident (e.g. glasses, contact lenses, compression stockings)
  • pregnancy existing prior to commencement of cover, abortion
  • dental plates (except repairs), orthopedic mandible treatment/implantation treatments, Inlays, bruxism bars, gnathology
  • adicction treatment or therapy
  • certificates and attestations

You will find a detailed description of benefits in the insurance conditions.

How to handle a damage claim
Designelement 1 zur Auslandskrankenversicherung
Designelement 2 zur Auslandskrankenversicherung
Designelement 1 zur Auslandskrankenversicherung
Designelement 2 zur Auslandskrankenversicherung
How to handle a damage claim

The original doctors’ bills or notifications of damages should be submitted quoting the insurance policy no. to:
Care Concept AG
Postfach 30 02 62
53182 Bonn

In event of liability

In event of liability claims no acceptance of fault should be indicated to the injured party. Care Concept AG will alone investigate which party is at fault.

In event of accident

If the accident should result in death, this fact is to be communicated to Care Concept AG within 48 hours at the latest, even if the accident has already been reported.

In event of illness

If you need out-patient treatment, please present the treatment ticket sent to you with the confirmation – and signed by you – to the doctor. In order to save you unnecessary administrative expenses, we pay the insured benefits from the policy in Germany and Austria direct to the doctor, after deducting any applicable deductibles.

If undergoing in-patient treatment please get the hospital to request a cost acceptance declaration from Care Concept AG on fax number + 49 228 97735-922.

Prescription charges incurred – where you are entitled to them – will be reimbursed to the account number provided to us by the policyholder once we have received the corresponding medical invoices.

For out-patient or hospital treatment, please ensure that the statement from the doctor/hospital contains the following in formation:

  • Name of the patient
  • Duration of treatment
  • Designation of the disorder
  • Individual services by the doctor / hospital

Only original invoices will be accepted and have to be submitted with the treatment certification and your insurance number.Recipe costs will be restored to the account of the applicant after reception of the corresponding doctor's invoice.

Care Economy preiswerte Auslandskrankenversicherung für ausländische Gäste Bild 5 Care Economy preiswerte Auslandskrankenversicherung für ausländische Gäste Bild 1 Care Economy preiswerte Auslandskrankenversicherung für ausländische Gäste Bild 2 Care Economy preiswerte Auslandskrankenversicherung für ausländische Gäste Bild 7

Care Economy

Versicherungstyp: Auslandsversicherung für ausländische Gäste mit Schengen Visum, Ausländer in Deutschland

© Care Concept AG 2025

Care Concept AG
Ihr zuverlässiger Partner für Krankenversicherung im Ausland
