Student insurance - Public health insurance for students (DAK-Gesundheit)


Informations on statutory health insurance for students
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Studenten
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Studenten
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Studenten
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Studenten
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Studenten
How do I insure myself as a student?

Your decision for a comprehensive education will form a good foundation for success in your future profession. But any success will require that you are well protected in cases of illness. As a student in Germany, you have to have health insurance. This health insurance is an important precondition for enrollment in a university or college.

Students are covered by social security

As a student, you are covered by

  • health insurance,
  • long-term care insurance and
  • accident insurance (while in the university/college and on your way to and from it).

The health and long-term care insurance are undertaken by us as your health insurance provider. The accident insurance is provided automatically by the university or college.

When do I, as a student, have to take out my own insurance?

Membership and the insurance coverage for a student normally start at the beginning of the term or, at the earliest, on the day of enrollment or notice thereof. As of 2025, the contribution rate for student health insurance is only €111,32 per month. The monthly contribution for long-term insurance is €30.78 (people 24 years old or older with no children must pay an contribution of €35.91 for long-term care insurance).
When you enroll, the university must have your insurance certificate from the statutory health insurance fund.
DAK-Gesundheit automatically reports this insurance certificate to your university. If your university does not yet participate in the digital system, you will receive a paper insurance certificate.

Which health insurance provider should I choose?

Although we are not able to assist you in setting your education goals, we can assist you in choosing the right health insurance provider, for we can provide you with model comprehensive coverage as of the first day of your membership/insurance. In addition, there are many other bonus points that speak in our favor. For example, we make things as easy as possible for you: Just take out your coverage online, and you will be fully insured starting on the first day of the semester.

How much money may I earn during my studies?

As a normal student, you may work while studying if the employment

  • is not carried out for more than 20 hours a week or
  • is limited to 3 months at the most or
  • is limited to the semester breaks.

If these limits are exceeded, you will no longer be considered a student but rather an employee, and you will be subject to mandatory social security contributions. Therefore, before starting a job, you should consult us. We will be happy to help you.

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