Care College USA - Affordable health insurance for language school participants and students in the USA, Canada and Mexico

In brief

Insurable persons

For the purposes of training and further education foreign nationals living in Germany or Austria and intending to travel abroad temporarily - including the USA, Canada and Mexico, German and Austrian nationals travelling abroad temporarily - including the USA, Canada and Mexico. Maximum age when cover begins: 35.

Scope of insurance coverage

The insurance applies only during the stay abroad, as applicable (USA, Canada, Mexico are included)


HanseMerkur Reiseversicherung AG
Siegfried-Wedells-Platz 1
20354 Hamburg

Duration of coverage

Minimum term of insurance: 1 month. Maximum insurance period: 5 years (incl. renewals).

Care College USA - All benefits at a glance
Health insurance
Benefits* Care College USA
online application
world-wide emergency services Yes
fulfills the requirements for all American universities, US State Department and institutions. Yes
medically prescribed medications and transports Yes
in-patient treatment at a hospital(general nursing class - multiple-bed rooms - no optional benefits) Yes
pregnancy examinations and treatment Yes
costs for treatment Yes
basic version accident-related medical aids Yes 100 %
medically advisable repatriation Yesup to 100%
analgesic dental treatment (treatment and cost plan required if more than two teeth treated) Yesup to 100 %
repatriation/burial costs in event of death of the insured person Yesup to EUR 25,000.00
deductible per insured event -
extended liability period Yes8 weeks
cost for dental prosthesis (within 2 years of insurance term, qualifying period:8 months) Yes70 % up to EUR 1,000.00
credit note for one month's premium if no claims in one insurance year Yes
replacement amount in event of a severe disease YesEUR 2,500.00/insurance year
visual aids (up to EUR 100.00, 3 months qualifying period) Yes
accident-related dental prosthesis up to max. EUR 2,500.00 Yes
costs for treatment acc. GOÄ/GOZ Yesup to 2.3 times the rate of the scale of fees

*For a complete list of benefits please see the insurance terms and conditions.


There is a co-payment of up to 20% (max. EUR 25,000.00) when:

  • You decline medically advisable repatriation to your home country for treatment.
  • You accept medical treatment without first contacting MedCare International Inc., or accept medical treatment outside of the MedCare network of clinics in the USA.
Take out your insurance coverage

Take out the insurance online: online application.

Premium overview Care College USA
Duration 1 - 18 Months Duration: EUR 125.00 .00/Month Starting
month 19 Duration: EUR 149.00 .00/Month
Premium (EUR / Month) 125.00149.00

Legal note: The information contained in this publication does not constitute the basis of any contract, but rather serves solely as to provide a product overview/description. Only the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and the policy terms and conditions, upon which your contract is based, are legally binding.

Please note that the English translation is offered as a service for convenience only. The legally binding version is the German version.

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