Your reliable
     health insurance partner abroad

Care Amerika / Travel USA - affordable health insurance abroad for USA, Canada, Mexico


online application

1 Enter details
2 Review+Send
3 Confirmation
Instructions for completing the formInstructions for completing the form

After you have filled out and sent the online form, you will receive a printable declaration page/confirmation of coverage (Versicherungsschein) via email, assuming all provided information is complete and valid and you have been approved for coverage. In most cases you can already use this to apply for or extend your visa or residency permit.

You will find help regarding the necessary details you are asked to provide by clicking on the ? You will find further information required for completing the application by clicking on ? next to the respective fields. next to the respective fields.



Policyholder / contract holder Policyholder / contract holder

Are the policyholder and the insured person the same person?
Policyholder’s address/Contact informationPolicyholder’s address/Contact information

If the policyholder’s name is not on the mailbox, please enter the recipient's name in the field, c/o.

Insured personInsured person


Information about health insuranceInformation about health insurance | Show premium table


Duration Days
Information about stay abroadInformation about stay abroad
? Your permanent residency is the country in which you resided and lived your social and professionalife before the start of the trip. If you are a foreign national with your permanent residency in Germany/Austria, you may take out insurance for your stay outside of Germany/Austria.

? Select as the country of destination the country in which you will mainly be residing during the duration of the insurance coverage.

? If the exact date of entry/departure (start of the trip) is not known, please select the anticipated date of entry/departure.It is possible and easy to postpone the commencement of coverage in writing (via customer portal, mail, fax or email) before the coverage begins.

Information about liability and accident insuranceInformation about liability and accident insurance
Would you like to take out liability and/or accident insurance?

Please select how you would like to pay the insurance premiumPlease select how you would like to pay the insurance premium

Premium calculationPremium calculation
Health insurance

Payment amount

Additional contact information in the event of questionsAdditional contact information in the event of questions

* The fields marked with an * asterisk are not required to take out a policy, but the information provided makes it easier for us to contact you. You will not receive any unsolicited advertising material via email, and we will not forward your information on to any third parties.

* The fields marked with an * asterisk are not required to take out a policy, but the information provided makes it easier for us to contact you. You will not receive any unsolicited advertising material via email, and we will not forward your information on to any third parties.

* The fields marked with an * asterisk are not required to take out a policy, but the information provided makes it easier for us to contact you. You will not receive any unsolicited advertising material via email, and we will not forward your information on to any third parties.

The fields marked with an * asterisk are not required to take out a policy, but the information provided makes it easier for us to contact you. You will not receive any unsolicited advertising material via email, and we will not forward your information on to any third parties.

Terms and conditions of insuranceTerms and conditions health insurance

By clicking on the adjoining field you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the following conditions. At the same time, by clicking here you are confirming that you printed and / or downloaded the following terms and conditions/documents before sending your application:

  • General terms and conditions
  • Ich habe die wichtigen Unterlagen wie die Einwilligungserklärung zum Datenschutz, die Verbraucherinformationen und die ausgedruckt oder heruntergeladen und zur Kenntnis genommen.
  • Ich willige ein, dass meine Daten entsprechend der Einwilligung zum Datenschutz durch die AXA Krankenversicherung AG verarbeitet werden dürfen.
  • Einwilligung in die Erhebung und Verwendung von Gesundheitsdaten und Schweigepflichtentbindungserklärung gemäß beiliegender Erklärung:
    Ich willige ein, dass meine Daten, insbesondere auch Gesundheitsdaten, entsprechend der Einwilligungserklärung des AXA Konzerns verarbeitet werden dürfen und entbinde zu diesem Zweck die AXA Krankenversicherung AG sowie die in der Einwilligungserklärung genannten weiteren Personen von ihrer Schweigepflicht.
  • Mit Zugang des Versicherungsscheins, spätestens zu Versicherungsbeginn steht Ihnen ein 14tägiges Widerrufsrecht zu.
  • Ich bestätige, dass ich hiermit einen rechtsgültigen Versicherungsvertrag eingehe und dass ich diesen Vertragsschluss in Deutschland bzw. Österreich aufgegeben habe.

© Care Concept AG 2025

Care Concept AG
Your partner for health insurance abroad


Care Amerika x

Type of insurance: Foreign health insurance worldwide + USA, Kanada, Mexiko

Insurable persons: German and Austrian individual/business travelers worldwide

Entry age: 0+ years

Duration: 1 - 365 days

Care Travel


  • Outpatient, inpatient and dental treatment
  • medically advisable repatriation
  • Extended liability period in the event the insured person can not be transported
*For a complete list of benefits see the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GTI).