Dear Care Concept® AG Customers and Partners, I really appreciate your interest in the vision and values of Care Concept® AG. We have achieved remarkable successes and would like to continue down this successful path. In doing so we make medical costs abroad affordable and help people to preserve The changing values of our fast-moving times requires – perhaps more than ever – a clear orientation and certain constants. Our corporate mission statement serves that orientation: the vision illustrates in which direction we would like to go. Our values describe the inner attitude and motivation with which we would like to get there.
Jörg Schmidt |
Care Concept® is a brand known and recognised worldwide for fair health insurance coverage. |
Our values are our compass. They orient us on our path into a successful future.
As a company we have responsibility for our fellow humans, the environment and our planet, and are happy to live up to it. We donate one percent of the total premium income incurred through our Care Austria plan to the Deutsche Institut für ärztliche Mission e.V. (Difäm), which provides chronically ill people in Congo with access to medical care. Since 2009, we have supported children's aid projects run by First Aid For Africa e.V. (FAFA) (Information in German): Every year with our "Cycle to Work" campaign we collect money for a different social project. We donate one cent for every kilometer our employees cycle to and from work. |
You can download our Corporate Mission Statement in PDF format (272 KB)
Corporate Mission Statement of Care Concept® AG
To learn more about our vision and values, watch the |