Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung - - Statutory health insurance for employees

Statutory health insurance - Statutory health insurance for employees (DAK-Gesundheit)


Insurable persons

You can insure yourself if you are employed in Germany and are subject to social security contributions. As an employee, you usually have to take out insurance from a public health health insurance carrier. Only when you exceed a certain income threshold do you have the choice between private and statutory health insurance (69300 euro gross per year).

Under certain conditions, you can also insure your family free of charge through the family insurance plan. With us you can apply for membership to the statutory health insurance provider, DAK-Gesundheit, quickly and easily online.

Scope of insurance coverage

The public health insurance is valid in Germany. In EU and EWR countries costs are paid via the European Health Card.
TIP: For stays of up to eight weeks in all other countries, we recommend our Care Holiday international health insurance plan starting at 10.90 EUR per year.


You become a member of DAK-Gesundheit, one of the largest health insurance providers in Germany.


In Germany the contribution for your statutory health insurance coverage is automatically deducted from your gross salary. At DAK-Gesundheit this is 16.3%, and half is paid by you and half by your employer.

In addition, there is the public long-term care insurance with a contribution of 3.40% if you have a child and 4.00% if you do not have children. This is paid in half by the employer as well.

If you are the main wage earner and you meet the pre-conditions, you can also insure your family free of charge via the family insurance plan.


Most services at the doctor's, hospital, pharmacy or rehabilitation center are defined by law. However, DAK-Gesundheit also offers you attractive additional benefits. They include, among others:

  • 90% cost coverage for travel vaccinations
  • Free online coaching sessions
  • 60 euro subsidy for professional dental cleaning
  • Subsidies for alternative treatment such as acupuncture or osteopathy
  • around the clock telephone service
  • nationwide service centers
  • around the clock medical hotline

DAK-Gesundheit optional rates for individual needs

  • DAK Fit & Cash: Receive an attractive premium for one year of no benefit pay outs
  • DAK Garantiertarif: Agree on a deductible and get up to 600 EUR back

Save money with attractive bonus programs
Collect bonus points for the following procedures that you can either get paid out or exchange for health services:

  • health check-ups/screenings
  • Vaccinations
  • Prevention courses
Take out your insurance coverage

Apply for your insurance quickly and easily online by entering some details in our online application. DAK-Gesundheit will then contact you as soon as possible to arrange your membership.

The exact scope of benefits can be found in the legal provisions of the German Social Security Code (SGB) and in your contract documents.


When it comes to “service and benefits,” DAK-Gesundheit is ranked repeatedly at the top in nationwide comparison tests.

We are
Yesterday - today - tomorrow

* Note: the following overview of test certificates also shows former ratings that could be outdated through newer tests.
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Testsieger 1 gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Umfangreichste Zusatzversicherung
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Top Versorgung Testsieger gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Leistungssieger Krankenkassen
gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Bester Service gesetzliche Krankenversicherung für Angestellte Zertifizierter Kundenservice

Lots of good reasons to come to us!

  • Because of the many benefits and comprehensive service you receive, such as our new optional plan rates - insurance coverage specific to your individual needs
  • Because of our accessibility: around the clock, 365 days a year

Legal note: The information contained in this publication does not constitute the basis of any contract, but rather serves solely as to provide a product overview/description. Only the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance and the policy terms and conditions, upon which your contract is based, are legally binding.

Please note that the English translation is offered as a service for convenience only. The legally binding version is the German version.

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