Care Student – Health insurance for students, language students and doctorates

Online application

Online application

Who is eligible for coverage?

behördlich anerkanntCare Student health insurance coverage is private, comprehensive health insurance coverage which was especially developed for the needs of undergraduate students, doctoral students and language school participants in Germany. It is particularly suitable as health insurance for students in Germany. Starting at the age of 12 up to 34, foreign students, school students and interns (while participating in a continuing education course/study program in Germany) may take out Care Student coverage.

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What are the insurance benefits?

Do you have to wait a long time for a doctor's appointment or in the waiting room? With a Care Student policy you are a private patient. This means that you have a free choice of doctor and can also go to private doctors. The public health insurance system in Germany does not cover the costs of treatment by a private doctor – Care Student does. The scope of this student insurance includes outpatient, inpatient and dental treatment with all licensed doctors in Germany at 2.3 times the basic rate (according to the GOÄ/GOZ, German Schedule of Fees for Doctors and Dentists).

A special highlight is the daily hospital allowance: From the 15th day of a medically necessary hospital stay, Care Student will pay you 25 euro per day for a maximum of 20 days.

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What does the insurance cost?

For insured persons under 30 years of age, the premium for Care Student is 69.62 euro / month. As a student, your are also legally obligated to take out long-term care insurance at 25.97 euro / month.

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Taking out insurance coverage:

Purchase your private, comprehensive coverage here, directly here.

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